Monday, March 12, 2012

No idea

This is my blog, and every now and again I will express my opinions, anger, disgust at things. So those of you who come here for reviews of restaurants, hotels, etc. may want to skip this.

I find the news depressing. I have had enough of reading about how many people are being killed all over the world. I am mostly sick over the killing of innocent people in Syria. Children, women, whole families exterminated, and the world just sits back and tries to sort things out "diplomatically". How can anything be sorted with a murderer, who kills his own people in the most horrible manner. News like this has always bothered me. They stay in my head, and they haunt me. Am I sensitive? How come people around me don't talk about it, are they ignorant, do they not read what is going on? It baffles me.
The killing of children is what I have the hardest time digesting. We are not talking about bombing, we are talking about on the ground murderers, going into houses and killing one by one. I don't know what it will take to make the world wake up and demand that this is stopped. Countries like China and Russia keep blocking resolutions, they threaten to veto whatever the UN tries to pass. It's sad. I'm sad. The state of the world is sickening.
My heart is with all the brave men, women, and children of Syria who are paying with their lives. Hoping that the world will come to their aid before it's too late. For many it already is.

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