Thursday, September 5, 2013

Grattachecca (sora Maria)

I apologize for posting this at the end of Summer, but it is still hot in Rome, and so I hope you forgive me!
I had the pleasure of finally tasting a Roman classic, the grattachecca. The grattachecca consists of some shaved iced, your choice of various fruit syrup, and fresh fruit. I had the thirst quencher about a month ago, and it was delicious and very satisfying. The thirst quencher (disettante) included orange and mandarin syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and pieces of fresh lemon and coconut. There are many kiosks around Rome, but the famous ones are famous for a reason. This one is run by Maria herself with the help of two other ladies. Highly recommended on a hot day!
Sora Maria 
Via Trionfale angolo Via Bernardino Telesio